club musicians

Are there too many open mics in Budapest? (2)

  •  BG

Part of the criticism for open mics revolves around the very fact that too many people get a chance, which inherently invites less-than-qualified performers, lowering the overall standards within the club music scene. On top of this, there’s also a concern that too many open mics might simply spread the community too thin. 

Are there too many open mics in Budapest? (1)

  •  BG

Considering that just a few years ago there were no regular open mic events in our beloved city, one can be quick to observe that they’re now spreading like an infectious disease. The only question is: how long will they keep breeding like rabbits? (Credit for the expression goes to Winston Churchill, in reference to the people of East India.) And let’s face it, we do hear many comments to… Read More »Are there too many open mics in Budapest? (1)